Back Forty Bison is located in the heart of the Ozarks. We are committed to the restoration of the American Bison, our National Mammal. Part of this effort includes a focus on conservation with not only the animal, but the land it inhabits. We are bringing genetic diversity to the bison population in Missouri by bringing in animals from Custer State Park, Antelope Island State Park, Idaho, Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. We are also partnering with conservation groups to bring back Missouri native prairie grasses and grassland birds to all of our pastures. We are pleased to announce these efforts have resulted in achieving the Audubon Conservation Ranching certification. Back Forty Bison is truly committed to "bringing 'em back!"

We provide quality bison (buffalo) calves as breeding stock. We are helping bring back this magnificent creature as a sustainable, healthy food option!
Herd Bull: Big Joe
The Cane Hill Herd is our youngest herd. The herd bull is the 2018 Gold Trophy Show and Sale gold trophy champion bull calf from 2J Bison out of Idaho. The heifers are from Addington Buffalo Company in Texas and Antelope Island State Park.

Herd Bull: Jackson
Our Hulston Mill herd is where we have placed the 2014 Gold Trophy Show and Sale Reserve Grand Champion bull, Jackson. The cows were brought back from Custer State Park the same year. This herd is located near the historic Hulston Mill in Dade County.

Herd Bull: Boone
The Prairie Ridge herd is located in Bona, MO near Stockton Lake. Our herd bull, Boone, was the silver trophy champion at the 2017 Gold Trophy Show and Sale and comes from Bison Spirit Ranch in Manitoba, Canada. The cows there come from Custer State Park in South Dakota and Plumlee Buffalo Ranch in Alma, Kansas.

Giving your ranch a head start!
Back Forty Bison is proud to offer starter herds for those ranches just getting into the bison business or wanting to refresh their stock or add to their own herds. We have the unique advantage of putting together a starter herd containing a variety of genetics.
Besides Starter Herds, we also offer the option of purchasing any number of animals with your choice of available genetics.
Jump Start the Herd
This herd is a great way to jump start your bison operation. We offer a bull calf and group of heifer calves to get you on the road to establishing a small herd of quality animals.
Join the Herd
The Bison Experience begins with a Basic Starter Herd, along with a one year membership in your choice of state or regional bison association and National Bison Association. Along with these memberships, we will provide one year of ranch tele-support via phone and email.
BISON à la carte
Although we never recommend purchasing just one animal, there are times when you might need a new bull. All our herd bulls are Gold Trophy Show & Sale winners. And we can also provide a group of three or more heifers as well if you simply need to add a few new animals to your
existing herd.